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TheTNPickers Show Firearms Reviews

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Joined Apr 16, 2021

TheTNPickers Show with Gun Reviews, Specs and Shooting. Everything here is educational about firearms history and safe handling. Come take a look around. Subscribe and hit the bell to see new videos! ?

TheTNPickers Show is recorded live and unrehearsed with your hosts Chris and Dave. The videos are not for profit and are intended to show fun shooting and deliver educational firearm reviews and historical information only. We humbly give our honest impressions and share any relevant experience or knowledge we have with you. Please forgive any mistakes and contact us with questions or corrections. TheTNPickers are not for profit firearms hobbyists and offer nothing for sale.

For our friends in Brazil estamos trabalhando para adicionar legendas em português a todos os nossos vídeos. Em breve também tailandês e hindi. Dave e eu pessoalmente agradecemos a VOCÊS - nossos amigos ao redor do mundo - por seus assinantes, visualizações e curtidas ❤️