What makes A Rifle Illegal in New York? Ar15? Evil features? New York Safe act 2020

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5 years ago
Well you want a nice AR15? Watch this first! You might be sorry ( or get arrested) if you didn't! What about shotguns? Part 2: https://youtu.be/vytmDj2M0C0 Full laws: RIFLES Prohibited: Semi-automatic rifles that can accept a detachable magazine and have one or more of the following features: Folding / telescoping stock Pistol grip Thumbhole stock Fore-grip Bayonet lug Flash suppressor Muzzle brake Muzzle compensator Threaded barrel Grenade launcher Over 10 round capacity Permitted: .22 LR caliber rifles of any action with tube-fed magazines of any capacity are permitted. (i.e. semi-automatic, bolt, lever, pump or slide – does not include fully-automatic) SHOTGUNS Prohibited: Semi-automatic shotguns that have one or more of the following features: Folding / telescoping stock Thumbhole stock Fore-grip Fixed magazine over 10 rounds Ability to accept a detachable magazine HANDGUNS Prohibited: Semi-automatic handguns that have one or more of the following features: Folding / telescoping stock Thumbhole stock Fore-grip or other protruding grip that can be held by non-trigger hand Capacity to accept a magazine that attaches to the pistol outside of the pistol grip Threaded barrel Barrel shroud Manufactured weight of 50 oz or more Over 10 round capacity Mare’s Legs pistols are considered by the state a short-barreled rifle and cannot ship. Any pistol or revolver, the frame or receiver of which is a die casting of zinc alloy, which has a melting temperature of less than 1000 degrees F including Cobra, Phoenix Arms, Heritage Arms, Walther rimfire pistols, and GSG rimfire pistols. ACCESSORIES/AMMUNITION Prohibited: Folding / telescoping stocks Thumbhole stocks Fore-grips Pistol grips (for rifles) Any magazine over 10 round capacity Stun guns and TASERs Defense Sprays Batons Ammunition Must Be Sent to an FFL Dealer

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