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Cop 357 - The BEST Four Barrel Derringer

Published on Jul 27, 2020
Quick look at the Cop 357 Four Barrel Derringer

This is a .357 mag four barrel double action only derringer pistol

made for a short while in the 1980s as an off duty police backup or concealed carry. These small but dense 4 barrel derringer is HEAVY. I don't think many people would choose a 4 shot 357 magnum for CCW today

these are very rare, and are occasionally available for close to $1,000. When we filmed this video, you could still find these for sale for as low as $500

What movies have you seen this 357 derringer in?
It has been on many moves over the years, usually in the hands of a bad guy (or gal)
Is this the Shortstop from TF2 ?


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